“Youth smARTS & Creative for Inclusion and Participation!”
Education frequently fails to deliver skills important for employment&life, so that arts and culture should be seen as ”forces” to deliver relevant skills. Traditional teaching&learning collapses across UE becoming obsolete because European societies will be more inter-cultural, flexible and inclusive. In our countries, traditional education system fails as long as generations leaving school become NEETs. Eurostat statistics show that: RO 17,3%, ES 16%, FR 14%, PT 9,5%.
Youth work must increase inclusion&narrow gap between competences acquired by young people&needs labour market including by using methods based on arts&culture. Societal&technological changes are transforming what it means to express oneself creatively. Youth are now able to access instruction&inspiration, produce their own content, reach audiences in ways that were impossible before social media advent&affordable technology (Instagram, YouTube etc.). And yet, a fifth of young people aged 16-24 do not create or participate in arts.
Partnership transnational assessment pointed out the following needs:
poor access to art&culture for young people in general, for the vulnerable in particular.
youth workers are not enough prepared for creating inclusive settings through arts&multiculturalism.
limited acces to digital resources&tools to foster youth entrepreneurship in cultural and creative domains.
Project partners respond with difficulty to these challenges too. Similar needs are highlighted: youth demand to be equipped with transversal skills otherwise they would fail. Failing leads to EXCLUSION throughout their lives. Youth should find different activities&artistic projects to develop their creativity, talents and potential. Experts&youth workers, other key actors need a renewed&fresh approach to be inclusive&supportive for all.
To create a collaborative framework enabling youth workers and other professionals involved in youth work to increase the quality of their work and their initiatives&services for supporting young people (including the vulnerable ones) to develop their creative potential, to have professional&personal success and to be connected to the cultural and creative sectors through Arts&Creativity Programs and an entrepreneurial mindset.
O1. Creating at least 4 innovative resources (methodological&pedagogical resources) to support quality work, practices&activities for innovatively stimulate new settings that support youth in higher competences on labour market&social inclusion through arts&culture in 4 countries/at european level. O2. Providing support for more real-world applications, trans-disciplinary inclusive learning environments that stimulate at least 2 transferable competences of 21st Century (creativity, entreprenuerial mindset) of youth in a larger context of community (arts, culture, digitalizations, social trends, creative sectors).
Youth workers, as well as other experts involved in youth work.
Youth NGOs/NGOs with programs for vulnerable young people&informal groups to adopt a flexible approach to support youth inclusion through arts, culture related education, talents capitalizing.
youth at risk (unemployed, NEETs, facing economic, social barriers, disabled youth etc.).
Resource centers for young people&volunteers.
Public authorities with youth focus.
CORE RESULTS - 4 complex IOs:
IO1 - ”Out of the Box” – Digital Cards for developing Creativity using STAR Technique.
IO2 - ”Connected2smARTS” – as a virtual space where young people can freely collaborate with other people from any domain of arts. They can interact, connect and create own artistic stuff around transversal themes of humanity (as Inclusion, Solidarity, Love, Participation, Tolerance, Life etc.).
IO3 - ”Youth workers - let’s be smARTS” - a digital kit for planning, developing&implementing Arts&Creativity Programs using digital tools.
IO4 - ”Social Entrepreneurship for smARTS” – a Training Pack with 5 modules (as OER – Open Educational Resources) developing abilities so important for running a successful social business in arts and creative sectors by youth.
Entire project outcome - it gives an impetus to youth&youth worker&NGOs to adopt and use high quality&innovative tools in their work, progressively redefine the boundaries between formal, non-formal and informal learning of youth using the tools&methods based on Arts&Creativity.
Project period - 24 months. Federation for Accessibility of Romania is lead partner. Consortium consists of: