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Partners Let`s be smARTS
Transnational project
“The project is implemented in partnership with five other organizations in Europe”


Embaixada da Juventude Tous pour l'Europe


Federation for Accessibility of Romania

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Romanian society is made up of individuals and groups in interaction and social relationships, following actions and individual and group behaviors.FAR was born from the desire to promote and monitor access and accessibility!The social action of FAR is the fundamental component of the activity and consists in an integrated ensemble of distinct activities, in order to achieve a result in monitoring access and accessibility (ART. 9 of the UN Convention on Rights of persons with disabilities), with the aim to radiography a very important component of the social system, the person with functional deficiency, the disabled person.
Established in 2009 as a foundation, works as a private placement agency authorised by the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) to design and offer integrated action plans and work opportunities to unemployed.

Coremsa Foundation promotes employability & social integration especially to the most vulnerable people: young, long term unemployed adults, women, elderly and people with disabilities.

Coremsa Foundation counts with different partners in the public and private sphere to offer a wide portfolio of services which include guidance & placement services, training activities for a wide audience, different specialized programmes and implementation of international actions in the field of education, training and employment.


COREMSA Foundation

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Association of Consultants and Experts in Social Economy Romania

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Association of Consultants and Experts in Social Economy Romania (ACE-ES) is an association founded in Romania in 2011 that aims to support and promote social economy (social entrepreneurship) seen as viable tool for innovation and flexibility within the economic and social environment, for sustainable development and active citizenship, for cooperation, solidarity and social inclusion. Main Activities:
Supports and promotes or, as appropriate, organizes continuous training activities;

Carries out/organizes research-action, studies, analyzes, interventions and pilot projects, seminars, conferences, working groups;

Support and promote or, as appropriate, organize innovative, interregional, national and transnational activities;
Acts, in a variety of ways and methods, to support disadvantaged communities / groups, for full access to social, educational, active employment and integration services and programs;

Promotes entrepreneurial culture, innovation, research and the development of a knowledge-based society.
The members of association are very active in development innovative instruments of social economy – a social brand of inclusion, training on social entrepreneurship, professional standards pertaining to the domain’s jobs etc.

To learn more, visit
The Youth Embassy intends to promote the development of young people through national and international projects that facilitate access to a series of experiences, opportunities and knowledge for young people and the local community.

Main Objectives:

- Strengthen the heritage, cultural and gastronomic identity of young people, stimulating their involvement with the city;

- Build a functional network between the institutions (private and public) in the municipality of Paredes, with direct and indirect responses for youth

- Contribute to the physical and intellectual development of young people in the Municipality of Paredes;

- Develop and carry out prevention and intervention projects for young people.


Embaixada da Juventude

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Tous pour l'Europe

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Tous pour l'Europe (TPE) was founded in 2012 as a non-profit, non-political cultural association whose aim is to contribute to the preservation of language, culture and cultural identity in Europe.
The main objective of TPE is to develop and promote the cultural and social values ​​of European citizens, to support, develop networks for promoting the social and cultural rights of European citizens and to capitalize on Romanian culture and traditions internationally by organizing cultural events, seminars, conferences, working groups; creative camps, exhibitions, literature circles, etc.

TPE mission is to develop projects and partnerships that contribute to informing and developing civil society in order to achieve a better integration of Europeans in a society in constant motion as and awareness-raising projects to ensure compliance with the principles of multiculturalism.