Association of Consultants and Experts in Social Economy Romania (ACE-ES) is an association founded in Romania in 2011 that aims to support and promote social economy (social entrepreneurship) seen as viable tool for innovation and flexibility within the economic and social environment, for sustainable development and active citizenship, for cooperation, solidarity and social inclusion. Main Activities:
Supports and promotes or, as appropriate, organizes continuous training activities;
Carries out/organizes research-action, studies, analyzes, interventions and pilot projects, seminars, conferences, working groups;
Support and promote or, as appropriate, organize innovative, interregional, national and transnational activities;
Acts, in a variety of ways and methods, to support disadvantaged communities / groups, for full access to social, educational, active employment and integration services and programs;
Promotes entrepreneurial culture, innovation, research and the development of a knowledge-based society.
The members of association are very active in development innovative instruments of social economy – a social brand of inclusion, training on social entrepreneurship, professional standards pertaining to the domain’s jobs etc.
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