Youth smARTS
The project started on March 1st 2021, has a duration of 24 months and it is developed with the support of the European Commission, through the Erasmus+ Program, KA227 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
This project is based on the fact that across Europe, a large no of young people face long-term unemployment, with diverse discrimination, social exclusion and poverty&marginalization. Europe can not afford to dispel their talents and skills. Too many are left out and the exclusion cost from education&labor market is estimated by Eurofound as 1% of European countries GDP. Report "Social inclusion of youth on the margins of society" shows that an essential part of solution is to create and stimulate inclusive, friendly, accessible, attractive learning contexts also for all youth – non formal activities, arts projects, actions in communities, volunteer work etc. And yet, these opportunities are not always at hand.
These young people must be seen as part of solution, not as problem. They are keen to take control of their lives and engage with and support others.In addition, future challenges are far too numerous and fast for youth to be eluded including effects of COVID-19 crisis. They have to cope with a world of extremely dynamic social&professional life +&future health context and NGOs&youth groups play an essential role: to make them more responsible for their own education and able to transfer not so much knowledge BUT abilities&skills in different backgrounds. And also stimulating them to be more creative, innovative, more digital&entrepreneurial, including in the creative&cultural sectors.


