”Youth smARTS&Creative for Inclusion and Participation!” (Let’s be smARTS!) is a
transnational project led by the Federation for Accessibility of Romania (FAR) and implemented
together with 4 organizations:
The project started on March 1st 2021, has a duration of 24 months and it is developed with the
support of the European Commission, through the Erasmus+ Program, KA227 – Cooperation for
innovation and the exchange of good practices.
To create a collaborative framework enabling youth workers and other professionals involved in
youth work to increase the quality of their work and their initiatives&services for supporting
young people (including the vulnerable ones) to develop their creative potential, to have
professional&personal success and to be connected to the cultural and creative sectors through
Arts&Innovation Programs and an entrepreneurial mindset.
Let’s be smARTS! is going to promote 4 complex IOs (intellectual outputs):